Manufacturer Part #
DEUTSCH 2 Position Yellow Socket (Female) Wire to Wire Automotive Connector
TE Connectivity 2286014-2 - Product Specification
Shipping Information:
PCN Information:
General Product Description:TPA, W2S, WEDGE WITH LED ASSY, 12V and 24VDescription of ChangesThe Industrial and Commercial Transportation business unit of TE Connectivity is making a change to the PCB circuit diagram for the part number(s) listed attached. PCN P-21-021344 stated the added capacity tooling with a supplier also in China. PCN-21-104171 was an update notification that both suppliers, China and Germany, will start manufacturing to the latest circuit design shown on customer drawing 2286014 Revision E3. Both Shipment Dates in this PCN is an updated timeframe for this transition to the new circuit design with the Chinese supplier beginning new shipments first followed by the supplier in Germany. Application specification 114-94237 Rev A2 will provide an overview of the circuit differences of the revisions. These PNs are TE proprietary designs, therefore considered catalog/general market product. PPAP and/or sample requests must be submitted within 14 days of PCN submission via ict-ppap-request@te.com or ePPAP system. Submission will not occur without request. If PPAP requested, disposition response is required within 14 days of submit date or it will be considered approved. Product drawing(s) are affected.Reason for Changes:Dear Customer,The design change is necessary as a product improvement measure to increase PCB circuit operating voltage ranges while achieving a lower temperature. IMPORTANT: The current and previous revisions of these parts can be used interchangeably in the field provided an adherence to the application specification noted in 114-94237 Rev A2, Section 2.The change(s) is being phased in gradually and previous revision can remain stocked until use. Shipments of both configurations may be mixed.
PCN UPDATE - Of Future PCN93535 - with additional part numbersGeneral Product Description:TPA, W2S, WEDGE WITH LED ASSY, 12V and 24VDescription of ChangesThe Industrial and Commercial Transportation business unit of TE Connectivity is making a change to the PCB circuit diagram for the part number(s) listed attached. PCN P-21-021344 stated the added capacity tooling with a supplier also in China. PCN-21-104171 was an update notification that both suppliers, China and Germany, will start manufacturing to the latest circuit design shown on customer drawing 2286014 Revision E3. Both Shipment Dates in this PCN is an updated timeframe for this transition to the new circuit design with the Chinese supplier beginning new shipments first followed by the supplier in Germany. Application specification 114-94237 Rev A2 will provide an overview of the circuit differences of the revisions. These PNs are TE proprietary designs, therefore considered catalog/general market product. PPAP and/or sample requests must be submitted within 14 days of PCN submission via ict-ppap-request@te.com or ePPAP system. Submission will not occur without request. If PPAP requested, disposition response is required within 14 days of submit date or it will be considered approved. Product drawing(s) are affected.Reason for Changes:Dear Customer,The design change is necessary as a product improvement measure to increase PCB circuit operating voltage ranges while achieving a lower temperature. IMPORTANT: The current and previous revisions of these parts can be used interchangeably in the field provided an adherence to the application specification noted in 114-94237 Rev A2, Section 2.The change(s) is being phased in gradually and previous revision can remain stocked until use. Shipments of both configurations may be mixed.
Part Status: