Référence fabricant
Microchip M1AGL600V2-FGG144I - Spécifications du produit
Informations de livraison:
Informations PCN:
Description of Change:Release of updated Synplify Pro ME version S-2021.09M-SP2 FPGA synthesis software bundled with Libero SoC v2022.3Reason for Change:Release updated Synplify Pro ME version S-2021.09M-SP2 FPGA synthesis software bundled with Libero SoC v2022.3 to prevent incorrect Verilog mapping of RTL using increment/decrement operations (++ / --) while indexing into an array on the right-hand side (RHS) of an assignment statement, as described in the attached Customer Notice.
Description of Change:Release of updated Synplify Pro ME version S-2021.09M-SP2 synthesis software bundled with Libero SoC v2022.3 as described in the attached customer notification details.Reason for Change:Release updated Synplify Pro ME version S-2021.09M-SP2 synthesis software bundled with Libero SoC v2022.3 to prevent incorrect VHDL expression evaluation during compilation, when performing subtraction with a real constant number operand, and an additional division/multiplication operation that uses a variable. This is to fix a VHDL compiler issue that occurs in specific VHDL expressions.
Revision History:June 25, 2021: Issued initial notification.February 10, 2022: Issued final Notification under eSign# E000089324. Initial PCN was issued with reference Memo # ML062021004D & TRB# WW22. Attached the qualification report. Provided estimated first ship date to be on February 28, 2022.February 15, 2022: Re-issued the Final notification to correct the affected CPN list.Description of Change:Qualification of ASEM as a new assembly site for selected Microsemi products available in 144L, 256L, and 324L LFBGA, 281L and 288L TFBGA packages.Reason for Change:To improve productivity by qualifying ASEM as a new assembly site.
Revision History:June 25, 2021: Issued initial notification.February 10, 2022: Issued final Notification under eSign# E000089324. Initial PCN was issued with reference Memo # ML062021004D & TRB# WW22. Attached the qualification report. Provided estimated first ship date to be on February 28, 2022.Description of Change:Qualification of ASEM as a new assembly site for selected Microsemi products available in 144L, 256L, and 324L LFBGA, 281L and 288L TFBGA packages. Pre and Post Change Summary: See attachedImpacts to Data Sheet:NoneChange ImpactNoneReason for Change:To improve productivity by qualifying ASEM as a new assembly site.Note: Because of capacity constraints that have been observed throughout the industry there may be limited or no inventory available as identified in the pre-change.Change Implementation Status:In ProgressEstimated First Ship Date:February 28, 2022 (date code: 2210)Note: Please be advised that after the estimated first ship date customers may receive pre and post change parts.Time Table Summary: See attached
Statut du produit:
Emballages disponibles
Qté d'emballage(s) :
160 par Tray