Microchip — Switchtec™ PCIe® Switches | Futureelectronics NorthAmerica Site
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Switchtec™ PCIe® Switches

Our broad portfolio of PCI Express® (PCIe®) switches offers high-density, high-reliability solutions for data center, storage, communications, defense, industrial and a wide range of other applications. In addition to our fanout, programmable and advanced fabric PCIe switches, our industry-leading PCIe solutions also include NVMe™ controllers, NVRAM drives, retimers, redrivers and timing solutions, as well as Flash-based FPGAs and SoCs.

Switchtec™ PFX/PFX-I PCIe® Gen3 Fanout Switch Families

PM853x PFX and PM857x PFX-I 96/80/64/48/32/24xG3 PCIe Gen3 Fanout Switches

The Switchtec PFX/PFX-I PCIe Gen3 fanout switch families comprise high reliabil-ity PCIe Base Specifi cation 3.1-compliant switches supporting up to 96 lanes, 24 virtual switch partitions, 48 Non-Transparent Bridges (NTBs), hot- and surprise-plug controllers for each port, advanced error containment and comprehensive diagnostics and debug capabilities. The PFX-I Gen3 PCIe Switch supports the full feature set available on the PFX* and operates over an extended industrial temperature range of –40°C ambient to 105°C junction.

Typical applications include data center equipment, defense, industrial servers, workstations, test equipment, video production and broadcasting equipment, cellular infrastructure, access networks, metro networks and core networking.

Microchip Switchtec PFX/PFX-I PCIe Gen3

Evaluation Kit

The evaluation kit is a device evaluation environment support-ing multiple host and SSD interfaces. These kits can be used for evaluation of the Switchtec PCIe Fanout switches. Note that a 96-lane PCIe switch is populated on the evaluation kit.

The following kit is available:

  • PM5461-KIT - PAX/PSX/PFX/PFX-I/PFX-L 96/80/64×G3 PCIe Switch HD Evaluation Kit (PMC-2151996)

Switchtec™ PFX PCIe® Gen4 Fanout Switch Family

PM40100, PM40084, PM40068, PM40052, PM40036, PM40028

The Switchtec PFX PCIe Gen4 Fanout Switch Family comprises high-reliability switches supporting up to 100 lanes, 52 ports, 26 virtual switch partitions, 48 non-transparent bridges (NTBs), hot- and surprise-plug controllers for each port, advanced error containment and comprehensive diagnostics and debug capabilities.

Typical applications for the PFX include data center equipment, defense and industrial servers, workstations, test equipment, video production and broadcasting equipment, cellular infra-structure, access networks, metro networks and core networking.

Microchip Switchtec PFX PCIe Gen4

Evaluation Kit

The PM42100-KIT Switchtec Gen4 PCIe Switch Evaluation Kit is a device evaluation environment that supports multiple interfaces.

Microchip Switchtec PCIe Switches

Microchip ChipLink Advanced Tool Platform