Microchip OPC UAD Demo with PolarFire SoC FPGAs Implementation

Microchip OPC UAD Demo with PolarFire SoC FPGAs Implementation

A demo showcasing the PolarFire Kits 

OPC-UA Industrial Edge Demo 

Microchip’s OPC-Industrial Edge Demo showcases how the PolarFire SoC Video Kit, PolarFire SoC Icicle Kit and the Multi Stepper Click add-on board (part number TB67S102) from MikroElektronika communicate over the OPC UA protocol using the UaExpert.  

The Video Kit is programmed to run an H.264 compression application and the Icicle Kit is programmed to run a stepper motor control application. This demo will show you how to turn the video stream on and off and modify resolution, brightness, contrast, gain, start/stop, direction and speed of the motor. 

How to Implement OPC UA With PolarFire SoC FPGAs 

To implement the OPC UA protocol, PolarFire SoC FPGAs use a client-server architecture where the client initiates data requests that are processed by the server.  

PolarFire SoC FPGAs can be configured as servers or as clients. Other client implementations use the UaExpert®, a full-featured, cross-platform OPC UA client designed as a general-purpose test client to support OPC UA features.  

What Is OPC UA? 

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OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) is a cross-platform, open-source IEC 62541 standard for machine-to-machine communication. Intended for industrial automation, OPC UA simplifies industrial connectivity and integrates devices, automation systems and software applications using a secure and platform-independent standard. 

OPC UA supports robust security and time synchronization features to securely connect remote edge devices and enable device diagnostics, asset management, monitoring, reporting and other applications.